Xenogears: Mielenmatka Futuristiseen Afrikkaan Teknologian ja Uskollisuuden Ajassa
Afrikkalaisen science fictionin maailmassa, jossa fantastiset elementit sulautuvat modernin teknologian kanssa,...
The Terraformers: Kuinka ihmiset luovat uusia maailmoja ja taistelevat niistä?
Tieteiskirjallisuudessa on jo kauan mietitty, mitä tapahtuisi jos ihmiskunta yrittäisi muuttaa toista planeettaa...
Object Lessons: A Journey into the Heart of Philippine Sculpture
“Object Lessons: Reflections on Art and Materiality” may not be a name that immediately jumps out at you,...
Delivering Happiness: A Path to Profits, Passion, and Purpose - Todellinen ilo vai vain markkinointitempun temppu?
Kirjallisuuden maailma on laaja ja monipuolinen, täynnä teoksia jotka kutsuvat lukijoita uusille seikkailuille. Yksi...
X Marks the Spot: Deconstructing Cinematic Space and Time Through Experimental Japanese Filmmaking
This cinematic exploration invites viewers into a world where the boundaries of space and time are fluid, constantly...
Beyond The Visible: Unveiling the Mystical in Everyday Existence
“Beyond The Visible: A Meditation on Presence and Reality,” written by Indonesian philosopher Abdurrahman...
X marks the Spot: Adventures in Filipino Cuisine! A Culinary Journey Through Taste and Tradition
“X Marks the Spot: Adventures in Filipino Cuisine!” by renowned Filipino chef, Maria Rodriguez, is a...
Last Leaf Falling - A poignant symphony of youthful yearning and the delicate dance of self-discovery
Hidden amidst the vibrant tapestry of Malaysian literature lies “Last Leaf Falling”, a captivating teen...
Buddhism: A Path to Awakening - Unveiling Ancient Wisdom for Modern Souls
This book isn’t your run-of-the-mill bedtime read; it’s a spiritual expedition, a meticulous exploration of Buddhist...
Unveiling Untold Stories A Journey Through Indonesian Folklore and Whispers of Ancestral Wisdom
Have you ever felt a shiver down your spine while listening to ancient tales whispered under the moonlight? Or perhaps...